Sunday, September 30, 2012

Imperial IPA and Amber Ale

grain (both):
- 30 pounds Muntons Maris Otter Pale Ale malt blend
- 1 pound Briess Caramel 10
- 1 pound Briess Caramel 40
- 1 pound Briess Munich

grain (Amber Ale added after first runnings taken for IPA):
- 10 pounds Muntons Maris Otter Pale Ale malt blend
- 2 pounds Briess Caramel 40
- 2 pounds Briess Caramel 120
- 1 pound Briess Munich
- 1 pound Briess Vienna

hop (IPA):
- 1/2 ounce Columbus whole hops (60 minutes)
- 1/2 ounce Columbus whole hops (30 minutes)
- 1 ounce Cascade whole hops (30 minutes)
- 1/2 ounce Columbus whole hops (20 minutes)
- 1 ounce Cascade whole hops (20 minutes)
- 1/2 ounce Columbus whole hops (10 minutes)
- 1 ounce Cascade whole hops (10 minutes)

hop (Amber Ale):
- 2 ounces Columbus whole hops (60 minutes)
- 2 ounces Columbus whole hops (10 minutes)
- 2 ounces Cascade whole hops (10 minutes)

yeast: White Labs San Diego Super Strain from 2012 Harvest Ale

Parti-gyle style with large addition of base malt to the second runnings to boost gravity.
batch size: 5 gallons (IPA) and 10 gallons (Amber Ale)
ambient outdoor temperature: not recorded
ambient basement temperature: 68 degrees Fahrenheit

gravity pre boil (IPA): 17.5 degrees Brix
gravity post boil (IPA): 20 degrees Brix (not recorded but fuzzy remembered)
gravity pre boil (Amber Ale): 13 degrees Brix
gravity post boil (Amber Ale): 15.5 degrees Brix
first runnings mash start at 6:50 AM at 150

7:30 AM at 148
mash end 8:20 at 148

second runnings mash start at 8:30 AM at 150

mash end 10 AM at 148

- this about sums it up

- fall descending on the brewery
 - amber ale mash near the end ... filled to the brim
 - racking amber ale to carboy
 - lots of spent grain and hops destined for the compost
- fermentation chamber; top row left to right: 2012 Harvest Ale (Denny's Fav 50), Imperial IPA, Imperial Stout; bottom row left to right: Amber Ale, Amber Ale, Mild Ale.
The Imperial IPA and Amber Ale started fermenting within hours.  Fermentation is strong, foam blown off into unseen container to the bottom left.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

2012 Harvest Ale

- 25 pounds Muntons Maris Otter Pale Ale malt
- 2 pounds Briess Caramel Malt 80
- 1 pound Briess Carapils

- 2 ounces homegrown Chinook wet hops (60 minutes)
- 5 ounces homegrown Cascade wet hops (20 minutes)

yeast: Wyeast Denny's Fav 50 and White Labs San Diego Super Strain

Annual 100% homegrown hop ale.  I hope it is hoppy.

batch size: 10 gallons

ambient outdoor temperature: not recorded
ambient basement temperature: 68 degrees Fahrenheit

gravity pre boil: 13.5 degrees Brix
gravity post boil: 15 degrees Brix

mash details:
- start at 6:30 AM at 152 degrees Fahrenheit
- end at 8 AM at 150 degrees Fahrenheit