Sunday, July 17, 2011

American Strong Ale 2011 and American Dry Stout

grain (American Strong Ale; American Dry Stout)
- 36 pounds Briess Pale Ale malt
- 1 pound Special B
- 4 ounces Chocolate malt

grain (American Dry Stout; added to mash after first runnings became American Strong Ale)
- 2 pounds Briess Roasted Barley
- 13.5 ounces Chocolate malt

hop (Amercan Strong Ale):
- 3 ounces Appollo whole hops 60 min
- 3 ounces Appollo whole hops 10 min

hop (American Dry Stout):
- 2 ounces Columbus whole hops 60 min

yeast: White Labs California Ale from American Pale Ale 2011

Strong and hoppy; dry and roasty. An ode to things past.

batch size: 5 gallon (Strong Ale); 10 gallons (Stout)

ambient outdoor temperature: 90 degrees Fahrenheit
ambient basement temperature: 68 degrees Fahrenheit

mash notes (American Strong Ale; American Dry Stout):
- (7:20 PM) mash start at 156 degrees Fahrenheit
- (7:55 PM) at 152 degrees
- (9:00 PM) ended
- pre boil Brix reading (American Strong Ale): 16 degrees

mash notes (American Dry Stout)
- Roasted Barley and Chocolate malt added for 40 minutes at 160 degrees Fahrenheit
- pre boil Brix reading (American Dry Stout): 10 degrees

boil notes (American Strong Ale):
- 60 minute boil
- post boil Brix reading: 18 degrees

boil notes (American Dry Stout):
- 60 minute boil
- post boil Brix reading: 12 degrees

brew date: 7/16/2011

keg date:

bottled date:  11/7/2011 (strong ale)
- Parti-gyle technique; Strong Ale with the first runnings and Dry Stout with the second. The second running also received 2 pounds roasted barley and 13 ounces of Chocolate malt. The Chocolate was added to adjust color.
- Lots of activity in the fermentation chamber:
- Late night brewing.
- Mash
- Transfering the second 5 gallons of the stout ... its late.

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