Saturday, July 10, 2010

American Rye Ale

- 12 pounds Briess 2 row Brewer's malt
- 8 pounds Briess Rye malt
- 6 pounds Briess White Wheat malt

- 2 ounces Willamette (whole hops) 60 minutes
- 1 ounces Cascade pellet hops in secondary (first half of batch)
- 1 ounces Centennial pellet hops in secondary (first half of batch)
- 1 ounces Willamette (whole hops) in keg (second half of batch)

yeast: White Labs German Ale/Kolsch from American Wheat

Sure as heck fire a fine Summertime quencher with enough rye character you will not forget him. Am I right? Or am I right? Or am I right? Or am I right?

Based on a BYO recipe.

batch size: 10 gallon

ambient outdoor temperature: 83 degrees Fahrenheit
ambient basement temperature: 72 degrees Fahrenheit

mash notes:
- (12:30 PM) mash start @ 154 degrees Fahrenheit
- (1:15 PM) @ 150 degrees Fahrenheit
- (1:30 PM) @ 150 degrees Fahrenheit
- (2:20 PM) first sparge at 19 degrees Brix
- (3:00 PM?) third (second not recorded) sparge at 14 or 15 degrees Brix

boil notes:
- (3:50 PM) boil start
- (5:00 PM) boil end
- post boil Brix reading: 18 degrees

brew date: 7/10/2010
keg date: 7/24/2010 with 1 ounce Willamette whole hops (second half of batch)
secondary date: 7/24/2010 with 1 ounce Cascade pellet and 1 ounce Centennial pellet hops (first half of batch)
bottle date: kegged it all!

- a good brew ... slightly bitter and oily from the rye. Willamette dry hops provide a nice floral contrast. less foamy than the wheat ale.
- the cascade and centennial dry hopped is very hoppy and decent ... the wheat ale was better though ... skip the rye ale next time